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Truss Structure Flexible Production line

Specially designed for large truss structure, in view of its high quality requirements, many varieties, many processes, large welding amount, limited weld position and other characteristics, traditional manual work or automation products are difficult to improve the yield and quality of pain points, through the use of intelligent production line combined with advanced production equipment to achieve efficient automation, intelligent, less human production of truss arm. The production line includes automatic logistics such as three-dimensional material warehouse, conveying roller table and intelligent logistics car to reduce the frequency of workpieces on the station. Load and unload materials to reduce unnecessary waiting time and movement waste. According to the characteristics of truss arm, parameterized module programming mode is adopted, which greatly reduces the programming workload of multi-specification workpiece, and realizes high efficiency and high quality welding through high precision laser locating and arc tracking. Lean manufacturing +5G technology + visual control, production technology information can be directly sent to the equipment and management system for data interface, materials through the two-dimensional code and RFID control, so that information/automation/intelligence can be landed.
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Product description

Specially designed for large truss structure, in view of its high quality requirements, many varieties, many processes, large welding amount, limited weld position and other characteristics, traditional manual work or automation products are difficult to improve the yield and quality of pain points, through the use of intelligent production line combined with advanced production equipment to achieve efficient automation, intelligent, less human production of truss arm.

The production line includes automatic logistics such as three-dimensional material warehouse, conveying roller table and intelligent logistics car to reduce the frequency of workpieces on the station. Load and unload materials to reduce unnecessary waiting time and movement waste. According to the characteristics of truss arm, parameterized module programming mode is adopted, which greatly reduces the programming workload of multi-specification workpiece, and realizes high efficiency and high quality welding through high precision laser locating and arc tracking.

Lean manufacturing +5G technology + visual control, production technology information can be directly sent to the equipment and management system for data interface, materials through the two-dimensional code and RFID control, so that information/automation/intelligence can be landed.


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